Here is Ro with Gordon from Scotland, engaged in some intimate salsa.

And here I am rockin´out with J.P. from Holland. Jean-Pierre is perhaps not the most naturally adept of dancers, and the fact that were able to execute this move at the moment of photography is a sheer miracle of chance/synchronicity.

You may observe that my hair does not possess the luxurious length that has won it praise and fame in the past.
I am extremely fond of this photograph. Click on it to see a larger version. Matt from Oregon (blue shirt) is clearly regaling us with some kind of wonderful story. I am staggered and Nicolas (green shirt), who is the kind of main dude/teacher at La Montaña, is completely impressed. (Nicolas is an excellent human being. He has a wonderful habit of explaining something in Spanish, then pausing, then saying, So, and proceeding to expain it in English. Why is this so wildly entertaining? I´m not sure.) Otis (black shirt), also from Oregon, and travelling with Matt, has heard the story a million times before but is waiting with vague amusement to see our response, and Ro evidently doesn´t have a clue what is going on and is just smiling dazedly.

Alright I gotta do my homework for the last day of school!
I realise that these photos don´t show you anything of Argentina whatsoever! Sorry about that!
Love love love
they show you with cute hair. your language school looks like fun! Are you sorry that it's finishing?